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Cheat Menu and Codes

On the main menu, select New Game. While holding down both triggers, enter this sequence: Left, Up, Down, A, Right, B, Start. This will open the Cheat Menu, where you can enter the codes below:

Cheat Effect
SPACEFOLD Gunpods refresh faster
MARSBASE Missiles refresh faster
MIRIYA Both gunpods and missiles refresh faster
BACKSTABBER One-hit kills (gunpods)
SNIPER One-hit kills (Sniper Mode)
MISSMACROSS All paint schemes
WEWILLWIN All levels
WHERESMAX All Veritechs and Medals
SUPERMECH Invincibility
MULTIMAYHEM All multiplayer levels
FLIPSIDE Upside-down mode
CLEAR Clear all codes

swtor is a new mmorpg in it you can play as different classes.

this is the holonet the info for the old republic.         

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